Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Cool iOS trick

How to Type Smiley or Emoji Characters 
Type Smiley or Emoji CharactersNow you don't need to rely on third party software to type smiley or emoji characters as the iOS 5/6 includes a built-in Emoji keyboard, which you can enable.
  1. Go to Settings > General > Keyboard.
  2. Tap "International Keyboards" and "Add New Keyboard..."
  3. Select "Emoji".
To type a smiley or emoji character, tap the "International" key on the keyboard (or touch and hold the key, then slide to Emoji), now you have a large selection of emoji characters are at your fingertips.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The new Kindle Fire tablets have been announced... Amazon has the Kindle Fire HD 8.9" 16GB Android Touchscreen Tablet on pre-order for $299 with free shipping. The 32GB model is $369 shipped. The Fire HD sports a 1920x1200 screen, quad-core TI OMAP 4470 CPU and dual-band 802.11n Wi-Fi. It's rumored to have Android 4.0.3, but those details have not been revealed. Scheduled for release on November 20th.

See here to take a look at the new line of Kindle's. 

Oh, and it has 9 point multi-touch which should make for a far superior user experience when combined with the speed of the quad core processor as compared to the previous generation of tablets.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September Professional Development Opportunities for Faculty & Staff

For those who are new to Claremont Graduate University, the Office of Information Technology and Academic Computing are responsible for providing technology professional development opportunities for faculty and staff. There are several ways these will be distributed:

  1. Bi-monthly announcements via CGU email
  2. The Academic Support webpage link "Professional Development Opportunities"
  3. OIT's Tech Buzz blog 
Additionally, reminders will be 'tweeted' via the OIT Twitter "handle" @CGUoit.

The September-October Professional Development Opportunities include:

  • Introduction to Qualtrics (web-based survey tool)
  • Introduction to Sakai
  • October Excel Month
For details on each of these offerings, please review the linked copy of the announcement above. To register, please email CGU.Learning@cgu.edu
