Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It's Tax Day! Could Evernote Help You Prepare Next Year?

It's no secret - I'm a big fan of Evernote. There are many reasons for my passion about this web-based (cloud) technology, but just a couple include assisting with personal and professional organization as well as providing a mobile tool to serve as a repository for multiple types of media and artifacts. 

One very clever way to consider using Evernote is for tax preparation. In fact, HR Block recommends the use of Evernote to their clients and has added it to their interview process. This video provides the details and recommendation to their clients:

The Evernote blog provides more information about this partnership, including HR Block's offer for a 20% discount of tax preparation for Evernote users! However, this may be 'a little too late' for most of us, so additional information is provided in the Evernote blog to help you get started on next year's taxes (see "Evernote Makeover Series: How to Do Your Taxes With Evernote")

Good luck with your taxes - and hopefully you are receiving a refund!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mac Malware

If you own a Mac run the Flashback Checker to make sure your Mac is not infected. https://github.com/jils/FlashbackChecker/wiki

Tips for MS Outlook

Great article on things to remember when using Microsoft's Outlook email program. One of the most important tips is the following:

Data files can blow up

Outlook data files (.pst) are susceptible to corruption if they grow too large. To avoid trouble, train users to keep an eye on the size of their data file. The limit is 2GB; users should regularly delete unwanted mail and archive old messages long before the .pst file reaches that size.

Read the rest of the article: